Maureen Bertsch
Her grandson calls her “Red Gamma,” and once you lay eyes on Maureen Bertsch, you’ll understand why. She’s a spectacular eyeful. And once you learn a little bit about her, you’ll learn she’s a spectacular life full as well. Read more

Jenny Bobst
When you meet Dr. Fritz’s office manager, Jenny, please be ready to recommend a good book. She loves to read, but rather than browse for new titles in bookstores, she much prefers those suggested by others. Read more

Joanne Fritz
JoAnne is Dr. Fritz’s mother, and she volunteers several hours each week in the office. But volunteering is something that has always come naturally to JoAnne. Read more

Sharon Graham
Sharon is the Softball Hall-of-Fame firecracker who greets patients at the front desk during the summer months. Read more

Peggy Meacham
It’s not your imagination…there are world-class athletes working in the office. And Peggy’s one. We think of her as the office utility player. Read more

Linda Mergard
No other medical assistant has ever worked with Dr. Fritz in her private practice. Linda joined the practice on Day One, and over the years she’s established very strong relationships with Dr. Fritz, with Dr. Fritz’s staff, and with Dr. Fritz’s patients. Read more

Kami Mitchell
You may notice that Kami seldom calls attention to herself as she works quiety and efficiently in Dr. Fritz’s office…perhpas because Kami grew up singing second alto in church and show choirs, where she learned to blend in and harmonize. Read more

Connie Wallace
One of the first things that might come to mind when meeting Connie Wallace is that “still waters run deep.” Connie is confidently low-key and unassuming when you meet her, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t many surprises beneath her surface. Read more